• Tuesday, April 01, 2025


on Aug 19, 2019
After having worked with a reputed blue-chip company for a number of years, Niroop Mahanty decided to quit his career to give time to his other passions – family, writing, flying, and social service. Today, not only is he the only civilian to be ever trained and licensed to fly a military jet, but also boasts of being an “advanced” level scuba diver, a free fall skydiver, a blue belt in Tae Kwon Do, a Reiki healer, and a singer and guitarist in a Rock band. He also runs two self-funded charitable trusts along with his wife, Rupa – www.kmcotrust.com and www.kmceotrust.com. To take his passion for social upliftment and for the betterment of society a little further, Niroop had also contested the 2014 Lok Sabha elections and managed to stand a respectable third in the contest. Born in Jamshedpur and educated in places like Jamshedpur, Delhi and the US, Niroop is currently occupied with the management of his charitable trusts, his passion for travelling and with advising the management of a flying school. Sting in the Tale is his debut book, in which he brings to us a collection of 13 short stories that are bound to leave the reader in wonder and awe at the characteristic plotline twist at the end of each story. We at bookGeeks got a lucky chance to get into a candid conversation with the author. Here’s what he has to say about his latest book, about his love for books and writing and about life in general.

bookGeeks: Let's start with the book in question: 'Sting in the Tale' - when did you first decide to write this book and how much time did it take for you to forge the final product?

Niroop: Ideas kept cropping up in my mind when I was in the gym or on the track. Finally decided to put something on paper and really enjoyed it! Took me about three months to get the first edition together. Found a publisher almost immediately. Sold a thousand+ copies!

bookGeeks: Who is your literary inspiration? What encouraged you to pick up the pen and craft different tales?

Niroop: No one really. Read a lot as a kid and felt I could give it a shot.

bookGeeks: And, as a reader, which is your most preferred genre?

Niroop: Currently, military history, involving specific campaigns and individuals.

bookGeeks: Do you have any favourite author(s) and/ or book (s)?

Niroop: Amitava Ghosh, Agatha Christie, John Grisham, Alastair Maclean, Edgar Wallace......

bookGeeks: From your bio, I have learnt about your exploration in different outdoor activities like Scuba diving, Sky Diving, etc. Is there any other sport/ activity that you plan to deliberate next in the future?

Niroop: I think I’ve pretty much ticked off all items on my bucket list. However, something new may turn up. Life is full of possibilities!

bookGeeks: Your passion for adventure sports and your skills as a pilot finds its way into your stories like in ‘Lost and Never Found’ and ‘Final Approach’ to name a few.

Did you have any similar experience in real life? Any unforgettable event while pursuing an adventurous activity? Niroop: Several. Flying over the barren Australian Outback and landing off-runway with my wife as co-pilot as a team in the Australian Air Rally. Contesting the Lok Sabha elections in 2014! Diving at night in the waters off Goa with zero visibility underwater. The list could go on...

bookGeeks: I loved ‘Village Inc.’ Mostly, because of its witty and amusing narration. Do you have a favourite among the thirteen tales? (One that you enjoyed narrating the most and wanted to be appreciated by the readers the most for a particular reason?)

Niroop: Not really. But, yes I did enjoy the adventurous ones as I had an opportunity to share my world of flying, deep water diving, adventure, weapons, etc. with readers.

bookGeeks: Finally, let's talk about your future plans. Do you plan on authoring another book? If so, do you plan to write more anthologies or a full-fledged novel next?

Niroop: I have been asked by many of my readers to write a full length novel, possibly with my election campaign as a backdrop, which I would like to do. Certainly have a lot of anecdotes during that “adventure”!

bookGeeks: At last, I am giving this platform if you would like to say something to our audience?

Niroop: I just enjoyed writing these tales and hope they give you some pleasure too.

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